
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Message from the Principal
Assalam AlaikumI have been a global educator for over 30 years with intensive school management, and educational leadership experience including teaching, ownership, and directorship of several private schools abroad and the United states. I hold a degree in administration, economical & political sciences.
Throughout my career, I have established two gig International schools, organized, led lectures, workshops, and seminars in schools and universities centering on holistic education and student centered education experience. My philosophy as an educator is to achieve peace and prosperity through education and transferred knowledge.
Alongside each other, parents, teachers, administration and staff, hand-in-hand, we aim to cultivate Islamic values like, honesty, patience, persistence, collaboration, dedication, and hard work to empower students to make meaningful contributions to their communities and to society. A shared goal to help our students build skills that will enable them to grow, become meaningful contributors to their community and provide them with a sense of personal value and fulfillment.
I look forward to working with you during the year to provide your children with the best possible Islamic educational environment. One that never fails to empower them fosters a community that helps them understand their impact and realize their potential. Your commitment to us is valued and a shared communication strategy is an important part of our educational process, with that It is crucial that we work together to fulfill this vision.
Our unique philosophy, rigorous Islamic academic curriculum, safe and caring environment are standards we hold ourselves to. We believe in excellence and an exceptional quality of education. An everyday experience that empowers students and ingrains their future with growth and continuous learning as they craft a solid foundation for an outstanding future they deserve. We are one team and one family.
Please remember, that my door is always open if you have any suggestion, question or concern.
Thank you for entrusting me with the opportunity to educate your children.
Mohamad Camille Mortada
Universal Muslim Academy
TL: 513-4210700
Children’s House (PreK-K) Teacher

Lower Elementary ( 1st -5 grade) Teachers

(Home Room Teacher For 1st & 2nd Grade)

Social studies, Math , Science

Arabic & Islamic studies Teacher

(Home Room Teacher 3rd & 4th)

Art Teacher

Title 1 Reading Teacher

Dr. Freda Shamma holds a doctorate from the University of California, Berkley in Curriculum Development. She is a published author of children’s books and anthology. Dr. Freda has spent her entire life dedicated to the development and furthering of Islamic education and curriculum. UMA is extremely honored and proud that Dr. Freda is on our Education and Curriculum committee, where her great experience and in depth knowledge of curriculum development, propels UMA’s goals and curriculum far ahead of the rest. Dr. Vassall-Fall holds a doctorate from Harvard University as well as degrees from the School for International Training in Vermont and Fisk University in Nashville, TN. She has over 30 years of experience in education and its development. Dr. Fall was contracted to setup the framework of UMA, primarily in policies and handbooks, forms, job descriptions and assisting with the Mission.